Primordial Swamp, part 2
Altered book assemblage
Frank Turek
The inside cover is covered with a monochromatic indigo, elaborate paisley patterned wallpaper sample. Atop this is an illustration of Isaac Newton with a clipping from a grammar primer pasted below and a color illustration of a firefly above. The firefly is on a hinged cover: opening it reveals an etching of a ball suspended in a vial of water. The arch top frame is covered with a reproduction of Picasso’s blue harlequin paintings. The inside of the frame is divided into an upper and lower half by a piece of blue glass which covers the lower half. Behind the blue glass is an illustration of early Earth plant life. Raised atop the center of this bottom section is a clipping of a comic book speech bubble proclaiming,”The Fire God! The Fire God! He has come back!” The background illustration of the top section shows a nude woman on the left with a view of her uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries, and on the right a cross-section of a flower bud with a depiction of its seed bearing and pollen disbursement. To the right side is a plastic toy arm with a hand, fingers extended, coming up at an angle from the lower right side from behind a rusted tap of metal. The side panels shows four etching illustrations of different devices for measuring weights. The inside top of the frame is a mirror. The title, date and signature are on a scrap of yellowed paper pasted to the bottom left outside edge of the frame.
Original book cover title:
History of England vol. III by Macaulay

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